Tuesday, June 30, 2009

#5: IF a Picture Paints 1,000 Words, Why Can't I Embed 1?

Hi EDU 255 Classmates,

Here are two activities that I think will work.

Language Arts
Elementary - College

Students will:
 1. Learn the concept of "setting" by updating a fairy tale to modern times,
2. Learn to search for appropriate photos or create appropriate digital photos that illustrate their modern fairy tale, save in a picasa (or flickr) and embed the modern fairy tale with illustrations into a class blog. 

old fairy tales to read
examples of updated versions of fairy tales   
  •   The Politically Correct Gingerbread Person
  • Cinderella at the Night Club
  • 3 Little CEO's
Computer access to Internet
Picasa tutorials

Method of Delivery
The Writing Process
Independent or Partner Writing

After individuals have written their story, they work in partners to find appropriate photos to illustrate their photos. No more than five photos per book. 

Students assigned to read story on individual blogs and leave comments about the modern setting. How did it improve, change, and/or ruin the original?

a rubric that is share prior the assignment

Activity #2

Where in the World? (A Game)

Students will:
Learn relationship of Latitude/Longitude and geography and culure

Computer Screen
Latitute/Longitude Numbers

Method of Delivery
Whole Class   Groups  Partners

Find photos to illustrate life at determined Latitude and Longitude numbers. Save onto a shared photo site.
Student begin to predict what photos will look like, based on the numbers alone. 
Students begin to predict the numbers, based on the photo alone.

Phots or numbers match the predictions by 95% 

Students write a paragraphy of the way latitude/longitude is linked to geography and culture.
To photos used to illustrate their point.
Shared on individual blogs.

I need to work on the Web 2.0 sharing  some more.  Any ideas for me?


  1. I like both ideas.

    The more I open my mind to the social web 2.0, I realize: sharing takes daring. Commenting, even Facebooking, all take some putting yourself out there. #2 could involve contacting the found photo authors and sending a short survey to return.

  2. Wow. Those are fabulous plans...you need to spend more time in the classroom to strut your stuff! We'll make you our ambassador :)
