Tuesday, June 9, 2009


In response to Will Richardson's post of June 9. 

So why is it difficult for educators to join up to step up to the blog plate? I agree we are afraid of the transparency and privacy (or lack of ) and feel challenged by a " different way of being in the world".  Indeed, I believe there is a different view held by some folks concerning boundaries.

Gosh, I think boundaries are a good thing. I don't care to know everything about  everyone. I want to continue to be the one who decides what another being can know about me, NOT a database.

Isn't having control over who my words reach as powerful as not knowing who is reading my words? If I am unaware of my impact, are my words less powerfilled (Ann Frank comes to mind)

Yes, we are going to be marked as the start of something historical. But the stars are still out tonight, and I think of my friends who still use blessing rituals that are centuries old and guarded by special members of their culture. I think it a sad place if both world views can not coexist somewhere in the future. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG - deep thinking, Amy! I agree with you that not everyone needs to know all about me, although when I was in elementary school, I used to tell everyone everything I could possibly think of, just to make myself liked. At my advanced age now, I on purpose, don't want anyone to know anything about me or what I am doing. So, I enroll in a class that REQUIRES me to put myself out there in cyberspace!! Good post
